Raising Awareness on Elder Abuse: 15 June Elderly Abuse Awareness Day - Global Initiatives and India's Response

Every year on June 15th, the world comes together to observe Elder Abuse Awareness Day. This significant day aims to shed light on the pressing issue of elder abuse and neglect

promote understanding, and encourage action to safeguard the well-being and dignity of older adults. In this blog, we will explore why this day holds global recognition, discuss activities undertaken by various organizations worldwide, and focus on specific programs and initiatives addressing elder abuse in India.

Understanding Elder Abuse:

Elder abuse refers to any intentional act or failure to act that causes harm or distress to an older person. It can occur within families, care facilities, or even in public spaces. Abuse can take various forms, including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, or neglectful treatment. Unfortunately, this pervasive problem affects countless seniors, robbing them of their rights, safety, and overall quality of life.

Elder Abuse Statistics:

To comprehend the gravity of the issue, let's consider some global and Indian elder abuse statistics. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 15.7% of adults aged 60 and older have experienced some form of abuse. In India, a survey conducted by HelpAge India found that 50% of the elderly reported experiencing abuse, with verbal abuse being the most prevalent.

Global Efforts and Activities:

Recognizing the urgency of addressing elder abuse, numerous organizations worldwide work tirelessly to raise awareness, provide support, and develop preventive measures. On Elder Abuse Awareness Day, these organizations arrange events, campaigns, and educational initiatives to engage communities and foster a collective commitment to ending elder abuse. Activities may include seminars, workshops, conferences, and online campaigns that aim to educate the public, empower older adults, and equip professionals with the knowledge to recognize and respond to abuse effectively. To know more about some of these issues in greater details, you can visit All India Senior Citizens’ Confederation (AISCCON). 

Initiatives in India:

India, with its rapidly growing aging population, faces specific challenges concerning elder abuse. However, both NGOs and government organizations have undertaken various initiatives to combat this issue and protect the elderly. Here are some notable programs. 

HelpAge India: This renowned NGO strives to improve the lives of disadvantaged older adults. HelpAge India runs a national elder helpline (Toll-free: 1800-180-1253) to provide support, counseling, and guidance to older adults facing abuse or in need of assistance. They also organize awareness campaigns to sensitize society about elder abuse, provide legal assistance, healthcare services, and support to older individuals in need

Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act: The Indian government introduced this legislation to safeguard the rights and well-being of senior citizens. The act emphasizes the obligation of children and relatives to care for their elderly family members and provides a legal framework to address instances of abuse and neglect

Active Aging Programs: Many NGOs in India organize programs that encourage active aging, promoting physical and mental well-being among older adults. These initiatives help seniors maintain their independence, social connections, and reduce their vulnerability to abuse. There are several Active Senior Living facilities that can be found at  Healthy Wrinkles.   

 Legal Support for Elderly Abuse:

Recognizing the importance of legal protection, governments worldwide have implemented measures to safeguard the rights of older adults. In India, legal recourse is available through the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, as mentioned earlier. This act allows elderly victims of abuse to seek legal intervention, file complaints, and receive necessary support

Government Helpline for Reporting Elderly Abuse: To provide immediate assistance and support to elderly individuals facing abuse, the Government of India has established a helpline number. The helpline number is 14567, which can be dialed to report any problems or seek help regarding elderly abuse. Trained professionals handle the calls, ensuring confidentiality and offering guidance on the appropriate course of action


Elder Abuse Awareness Day serves as a vital reminder of the urgent need to address and prevent elder abuse globally. It is essential for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together to promote awareness, support victims, and establish robust legal frameworks that protect the rights and dignity of older adults. Let us unite in our efforts to create a world where the elderly can age with respect, security, and care they deserve. Remember, it is our collective responsibility to ensure the well-being of our seniors every day, not just on Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Together, let's strive for a society that values and protects its elders 

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