Dr. Prem NN, a Chief Consultant of Geriatric Medicine at JASLOK HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE, in a conversation with Healthy Wrinkles, explains Elderly Fall Prevention.

Falls among the elderly can have far-reaching consequences, impacting both physical and mental well-being. In this blog, we delve into actionable insights and strategies to prevent falls.

Elderly fall prevention

Medication Management:

Dr. Prem underscores the significance of modifying medications that may contribute to falls. Older adults often take various medications, and some of them, like antihypertensives, can induce dehydration or sudden drops in blood pressure, increasing the risk of falls. Identifying and adjusting such medications is a key preventive measure.

Moreover, addressing correctables is paramount. Dr. Prem emphasizes the importance of a detailed fall risk assessment, particularly for issues related to balance and footwear. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in correcting balance problems, and ensuring that seniors use assistive devices properly is equally important. The height, alignment, and usage of devices such as walkers or canes need careful consideration to be effective.

Bone Health and Fracture Management:

After a fall, especially if it results in fractures, addressing bone health becomes critical. Dr. Prem advocates for proactive measures such as managing osteoporosis through vitamin D and calcium supplements. Additionally, he stresses the importance of timely surgeries for repairable fractures, highlighting the "door to needle" time as crucial in preventing complications and deformities.

Weight management is another factor to consider, as being overweight can affect balance. Dr. Prem explains that while obesity might reduce the risk of certain types of fractures, it introduces a different set of challenges due to top-heavy balance. Thus, a balanced approach to weight is essential in fall prevention.

The Psychological Impact and Post-Fall Rehabilitation:

Dr. Prem emphasizes that falls don't just affect the body; they also impact the mind. The fear of falling can be paralyzing, leading seniors to limit their activities and compromise their independence. Post-fall rehabilitation involves not only physical recovery but also restoring confidence and addressing the mental aspects. Physiotherapy, coupled with mental support, helps seniors regain their mobility and confidence.

Understanding the Circumstances of the Fall:

It's crucial to investigate how a fall occurred. Dr. Prem points out that falls can happen for various reasons, such as slips, trips, obstacles, or even underlying health issues like strokes. Understanding the circumstances surrounding the fall is essential for effective preventive strategies. Additionally, rhythm disorders, common in cardiovascular conditions, can contribute to falls due to a lack of oxygen. Monitoring and managing cardiac rhythm disorders are vital components of fall prevention.


In conclusion, preventing falls among the elderly requires a multifaceted approach. Dr. NN Prem's insights emphasize the need for personalized care, including medication management, correction of modifiable factors, and post-fall rehabilitation. By addressing both physical and mental aspects, caregivers and seniors alike can create a safer environment that promotes independence and overall well-being.

Whether you are searching for informative articles, or looking for healthcare providers, Healthywrinkles is an excellent resource for all your senior care needs. We also have a great compilation of all the medical expert talks for healthy aging on HealthyWrinkle YouTube channel.


Disclaimer: Healthy Wrinkles does not recommend or offer any medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. The information provided here is only for the awareness of disease or ailment among individuals, caregivers, and the public‌. The advice of doctors, licensed professionals, or therapists who are knowledgeable about your particular situation should always be sought before using the information provided here. It should also not be used in the event of a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you want urgent assistance, contact a qualified medical professional. Additionally, the information represents the author's views and not those of Healthy Wrinkles.

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