Geriatricians the emerging speciality for special care of seniors. Leading experts from this field Dr Prem NN, Dr Prathibha Pereira, Dr Sajesh Asokan and Dr Kaushik Ranjan Das discuss the concept of Healthy Aging in their video interviews at Healthy Wrinkles

There are various terms that are used together or parallel to each other like Healthy Aging, Aging Gracefully or Successful Aging. Under these concepts various aspects are considered together; such as physical, mental and social health of an older adult.  

Successful aging is guided by three most crucial factors; selection – focus on what you can still do rather than focusing on what cannot be done, optimization or strengthening  what one can do today and  compensation / adaptability to their real life situations as they evolve and change. This compensation or adaptability is very important as during the life of elderly person the environment and the capabilities would continue to change all the time.

World Health Organization (WHO) has changed their outlook towards health aging. They have declared current decade and next 10 years devoted to Healthy Aging.

What is the meaning of Healthy Aging in this new context set by WHO?

Healthy Aging does not mean free form all the diseases. That many not happen. But despite those diseases and challenges, and with whatever inherent capacity elderly they have, how their functional capabilities can be improvised is the focus. Of course, this can be done only after proper assessment of elderly on various parameters with a focus on improving functional abilities. Broadly there are two aspects; therapeutic and change of environment. Both these aspects and taking into account inherent capabilities, Geriatricians work on improving quality of life for seniors. That would be meaning of healthy aging in the new context.

What outcomes are we expecting with these interventions?

To a large extent we shall keep seniors independent as much as possible. They shall be in a position to communicate, move around, mix socially, maintain good mental health and avoid loneliness as well as depression. They shall be encouraged for new learning or new skills all the time. That is the aim of Healthy Aging.

Caregivers and family members can play very important role in the process of Health Aging. Their contribution towards keeping seniors independent would be immense. Advice of Dr Prem is to allow the normal activities for seniors as much as possible to the extent they desire. So do not take away their passion is the guiding principle. The caregivers shall be available around for support. So during emergency someone shall be available; either family member of paid caregiver but otherwise do not restrict the life and lifestyle of senior. That aspect is important. Frailty is another important challenge, and caregiver can support the same in ensuring this is addressed. Older adults shall be involved in decision making as well around their own health, freedom and other facets of life. Quality of  life and maintaining independence is essential.

 Healthy Wrinkles YouTube channel is devoted to healthcare of senior citizens. Through conversations with experts, we plan to cover every disorder, knowledge about its management and also possible options to prevent or delay that disorder. We hope that this channel will help senior citizens and also their family members to ensure better health. The views and opinions expressed in the video are personal views of the interviewee. Discussions over here are for the purpose of information only and shall NOT be construed as medical advice. You should contact your health care professional with respect any specific problem or issue.

 Visit us at Healthy Wrinkles for more information about Senior Care. It brings you blogs, videos as well as databases for senior care for various services like old age homes, Active Senior Living,  Doctor at home, Nursing Agencies for Home Care and so on. Currently, the focus is on Maharashtra State for these services.

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