Dr Sajesh Asokan in the series of interviews with Healthy Wrinkles, explains the concept of Geriatrics, Gerontology and Geriatricians. He also explains the need for Geriatrician Support while providing care for Seniors.  Geriatrics is about medicine / medicinal management that deals with human life phase of aging. https://youtu.be/nTG7I1kqtVo 

 It includes preventive as well as treatment aspect of diseases that are related to aging. Geriatrics medicine is considered as part of internal medicine in most part of the world and that holds true even in the Indian context. According to Dr Sajesh Asokan, Geriatrics as a subject is going to be very important as 60-70 % of patients seen by doctors from internal medicine or family physician practice, are elderly and care for them falls under category of geriatrics care. In India, we define Senior Citizen beyond age of 60 and currently they are managed by family physicians or doctors from internal medicines and hence their orientation towards geriatrics is going to be very important.

Just to explain, he also mentioned that  Gerontology is the study of the science of aging which is vast subject by itself.  Geriatrics is part of that and focuses on medicinal management of diseases that are related to aging.

Dr Sajesh Asokan also mentions that just like paediatricians are highly focused on children and their problems, Geriatricians are focused on seniors and their specific problems. Geriatricians is the medical specialty dedicated exclusively to providing high-quality, individual-centered care for older adults. The focus of geriatrician is not limited to one organ or one system but this specialty takes comprehensive view of elderly person including all medical, physical problems including related to mind. Older adults/ seniors have a unique set of issues and concerns which Geriatricians are trained to focus upon. Geriatricians are primary care doctors who have additional specialized training in treating older patients. They can practice in outpatient settings, nursing facilities or hospitals. List of select Geriatrician is available here.

Healthy Wrinkles is devoted to better healthcare of senior citizens. We hope that Healthy Wrinkles YouTube channel, blogs and healthcare service databases will help senior citizens and also their family members to ensure better health. Knowledge, discussions and demonstrations over here are for the purpose of information only and shall NOT be construed as medical advice. You should contact your health care professional with respect any specific problem or issue.

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