Antibiotic resistance is one of the global leading problems facing medicine, as many microorganisms are developing resistance to antibiotic they were previously sensitive to. This has a significant impact on health care.

Use of Antibiotics in the Elderly

Antibiotics are the most commonly used and misunderstood agents, contributing to the massive global problem of loss of efficacy due to resistance. Antibiotic misuse is the primary cause of antibiotic resistance. When antibiotics are taken, only bacteria that are susceptible to the antibiotic are killed; resistant bacteria are not killed.

Elderly Antibiotic Resistance

Improper antibiotic prescribing practices may result in the unnecessary use of antibiotics, contributing to the spread of resistant bacteria.

Antibiotic resistance is a problem in nursing homes, as infections caused by multiresistant bacteria are becoming more common among nursing home residents. As a result of antibiotic use in these long-term care facilities, nursing homes for the elderly serve as reservoirs for antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains. Pathogens that are multidrug resistant are frequently recovered in these long-term care facilities.

In nursing homes, anatomical and physiological changes caused by aging, as well as the use of urinary catheters, nasogastric and percutaneous feeding tubes, and intravenous catheters, all predispose the elderly to bacteria colonization and infections.

Effects of Antibiotic Resistance

  • Antibiotic Resistance has a negative impact on treatment failure because the microorganism(s) are no longer susceptible to the antibiotic.

  • There is more disability as a result of illness and death.

  • Due to treatment failure, there is a prolonged hospital stay.

  • There is a greater financial outlay for treatment costs.

Antibiotic Resistance Prevention in the Elderly

  • Antibiotic resistance in the elderly cannot be completely avoided.

  • Keep infections from spreading and transferring antibiotic-resistant strains.

  • Antibiotic-resistant strains should be tracked.

  • Antibiotics tablet should be used only when absolutely necessary, which necessitates antibiotic training and retraining for physicians. Antibiotics medicine should be used in response to culture and sensitivity reports, as well as when the patient exhibits symptoms.

  • Research and development of new antibiotic

  • Narrow spectrum antibiotics should be used instead of broad spectrum antibiotics because they are more effective against specific microorganisms.


Antibiotic resistance is common, especially among the elderly. Preventive steps should be followed as it has a negative impact on these senior citizens who are predisposed to it, particularly those in long-term care facilities.

Disclaimer: Healthy Wrinkles does not recommend or offer any medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. The information provided here is only for the awareness of disease or ailment among individuals, caregivers, and the public‌. The advice of doctors, licensed professionals, or therapists who are knowledgeable about your particular situation should always be sought before using the information provided here. It should also not be used in the event of a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you want urgent assistance, contact a qualified medical professional. Additionally, the information represents the author's views and not those of Healthy Wrinkles.

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