Healthy Aging

Dr Prathibha Pereira, leading Geriatrician from Karnataka explains in simple language about Healthy Aging and Aging Gracefully. And also explains role of geriatric experts towards achieving outcomes desired for Healthy Aging. At Healthy Wrinkles through series of video interviews of Dr Pereira and other leading geriatricians we have discussed Healthy Aging.

Dr Pereira mentions couple of challenges that are faced by seniors. Most of them have comorbidities (existence of multiple other diseases or disorders) and frailty; physical and social or both. Unless managed well they can become barriers towards achieving Health Aging.

Medication and poly pharmacy is one aspect where patient compliance is very important. So someone needs to check whether the person has understood the medication and its schedule and what is expected from that treatment.  The geriatric expert like a Geriatrician can help patient understand and thus compliance can improve.

Frailty is yet another aspect and family members need to understand what is frailty and how senior can be rehabilitated by overcoming frailty. Education of caregiver and family members is essential in such cases.

Also, another important aspect is Long Term Care. After acute phase of care is over or after hospitalization, the elderly will need long term care and family members need to be prepared for the same. So, setting expectations about long term care, rehabilitation and overcoming frailty are very relevant points.  

From polypharmacy perspective, to address frailty and to support in long term care, Geriatric Expert like Geriatrician can play very important role. Geriatrician can become important element to connect dots between various stakeholders in delivering best long-term care for seniors.  A list of Geriatricians can be accessed over here.

Through upcoming videos of Dr Pereira, she will be discussing role played by family members and caregivers towards Healthy Aging and also what outcomes shall we expect as part of Healthy Aging status.

Healthy Wrinkles is devoted to better healthcare of senior citizens. We hope that Healthy Wrinkles YouTube channel, blogs and healthcare service databases will help senior citizens and also their family members to ensure better health. Knowledge, discussions and demonstrations over here are for the purpose of information only and shall NOT be construed as medical advice. You should contact your health care professional with respect any specific problem or issue.

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