Healthy Wrinkles is "One-Stop-Website" for 16 Senior Health Care Services. We are an aggregator online platform that specializes and is focused on senior healthcare services. Services available on platform include; care at home like nursing, doctor at home, rehab services like physiotherapy, dementia counselor and outside home services like old age homes, assisted living homes, retirement homes. With more than 4000+ service providers to select from, detailed information available for comparison, marked verified facilities and with multiple website features, we help you select best suitable option for your needs. You can talk to our expert and get free advice in this domain. We have additional information available on every senior healthcare topic either through 350 + blogs or 200+ videos.
Our website access is free to all the users. You will become a member when you fill in a short form. As a member we provide guidance and support in connecting you with the right service provider.
We have listing of more than 4000 facilities on our website. Quite a few of them have been verified by personal visit by our staff. You would be able to identify such facilities by way of a "verified" stamp which would appear next to the name of the facility. In addition, we always recommend users to make their own research, as appropriate, while selecting a service provider.
Healthy Wrinkles is "One-Stop-Website" for 16 Senior Health Care Services. We are an aggregator online platform that specializes and is focused on senior healthcare services. We do not run any old age home ourselves.
We have a helpline (99679 13884). You can call/send a WhatsApp message on this number and register your feedback. Alternatively you can also send a mail to us at
Yes. Our Helpline (99679 13884) is well equipped to help you in all such areas. Our endeavor is to help you to take the best decision for your seniors
We realize that taking care of seniors is a very important issue for the families. To provide the best care the families would need information as well as guidance . Our expert panel is always available for helping the families for improving the quality of care for your seniors.
Yes. We understand the challenges faced by NRIs for parent care. Our Sarathi service has been helping several families who are based out of India and have parents in India. In addition, our website provides a wealth of relevant information which goes a long way in improving senior care for the parents of NRI's
This is very important decision. Please read a blog written by a specialist on the subject(blog link). On the basis of hundreds of interactions with families as well as multiple old age home facilities, we recommend following steps; 1) Decision about care at home v/s outside care like old age home. Family and senior shall have discussions on this topic 2) Decision about location and choice of facility on the basis amenities, medical assistance, security and cost. 3) Looking through facility photographs followed by personal visit 4) Short stay before making final decision. Healthy Wrinkles team would support and provide guidance at every stage.
Please read an informative article on our website ( With expertise in this field, we recommend following points to be considered; 1) What are the needs of senior? So whether caretaker (aayah, ward boy) is adequate or qualified nurse is needed, 2) how many hours per day service is needed 3) Selecting nursing bureau that provides reliable service and has verified caretakers is important consideration from dependability, safety and security perspective 4) Cost , while important, shall NOT be only criterion for selection. Healthy Wrinkles team would support and provide guidance for selecting most appropriate service provider.