All you need to know about steroid induced osteoporosis

All you need to know about steroid induced osteoporosis

One of the long-term side effects of taking a steroid medication is an increased risk of developing bone thinning (osteoporosis). Steroid-induced osteoporosis occurs when osteoporosis is thought to be caused in part by the use of a steroid medication.


What are the effects of steroids on the bone?

Steroids have a significant impact on how the body utilizes calcium and vitamin D to build bones. Steroid medicine can cause bone loss, osteoporosis, and fractures. When steroid medications are taken in large doses, bone loss can occur quickly. Not everyone who takes steroids loses bone or loses bone at the same rate. The dose, underlying diseases, and possibly genes are all factors. Postmenopausal women who take steroids for more than six months, for example, are at the greatest risk of bone loss.

When taking steroids, how quickly can bone loss occur?

  • The first 6 months after starting oral steroids are the most dangerous for bone loss.

  • There is a slower loss of bone after 12 months of chronic steroid use.

  • Inhaled steroids are less likely to cause bone loss than oral steroids. Inhaled steroids, on the other hand, may cause bone loss at higher doses.

  • Steroids used for a few days or applied to the skin do not cause bone loss. The main effect of steroids on bone fractures (broken bones) at the spine or rib.

What steps can be taken to avoid steroid-induced osteoporosis?

If you are taking steroid tablets for three months or more, there are several things you can do to reduce your risk of developing steroid-induced bone thinning (osteoporosis). These may be things you can change about your lifestyle, as well as medication or other treatments that your doctor may recommend.

Lifestyle changes

The following steps can help to reduce risk:

  • Quitting smoking.

  • Limiting alcohol consumption.

  • Increasing physical activity (particularly weight-bearing exercise).

  • Getting enough calcium and vitamin D, and considering supplements if you aren't getting enough for osteoporosis treatment.

Take the smallest amount of steroids possible for the shortest amount of time.

In general, the longer you take steroid tablets, the more likely you are to develop a fragility fracture. However, there is no such thing as a safe dose of steroid tablets because even low doses can increase your fracture risk. Discuss with your doctor the dosage of steroid tablets you are taking. Could the steroid dosage be reduced? Is there another way to take steroid medication other than tablets by mouth? Steroids, for example, steroids cream can be applied to the skin. Taking the steroid medication differently may help to reduce the steroids side effects on your bones.

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