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Individuals are living longer lives than ever before, thanks to scientific advances and medicine. That means the retiree years can be spent fulfilling and independently. However, there is a challenge: how do we encourage interaction between youth and the elderly?
Intergenerational programs that bring seniors and children together to form relationships of mutual benefit may be the solution to connecting our youngest & oldest generations. Both groups have a lot to offer and can learn from one another, making intergenerational activities and programs truly magical.
Assist Your Loved One in Benefiting from Intergenerational Contact.
If you or an elderly loved one would profit from more inter - generational contact, there are numerous options for engaging with young folks and experiencing the benefits of this interaction. Following are a few suggestions:
Visit a senior center or a retirement home.
Many retirement communities, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing facilities have intergenerational programs in which you can participate even if your loved might not be a resident. For suggestions, contact local facilities or community resources such as parks, social events, religious organizations, or service groups.
Visit your neighborhood library.
For younger children, many libraries, bookstores, and even a few coffee shops can provide story hours. Adult volunteers are even sought by some establishments to read books to children.
Inquire with schools regarding volunteer opportunities.
Schools are excellent sources of information for being included in the community. Several schools have pen pal programs or invite veterans to chat to classes as special guests.
Go on a trip to the park.
Look no beyond your neighborhood playground for interacting with youth.
This helps in improving the socializing skills and networking. Anyone can smile when they see a four-year-old learn to pump a swing/slide backwards.
Make a plan for a tabletop activity.
When the grandkids or neighborhood kids come to visit, bring out tiny puzzles, drawing materials, or even play dough to encourage interaction and a fun activity.
Many people's enthusiasm for intergenerational programmes has resulted in a proliferation of organisations and organising activity at the national and local levels. Check: Generations United, a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the lives of people of all ages via intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programmes, provides a number of benefits and statistics that highlight the importance of intergenerational programming.
Socializing with Youth Improves the Elderly's Health
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