How household chores can lower your risk of Alzheimers


How household chores can lower your risk of Alzheimers

Dementia affects approximately 55 million seniors worldwide. It is anticipated that 5 to 7% of people over the age of 60 have dementia. One of the most considerable risk factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia is getting older.

As the world's population ages and lives longer, the number of individuals suffering from dementia could triple to about 165 million by 2050.

What did the scientists do?

Over 500,000 volunteers, aged 56 on average, self-reported the level and nature of the physical activity they engage in. Walking for pleasure, DIY, and housework, and getting to and returning from work were all reported activities. At the start of the study, the researchers also inquired volunteers about their educational qualifications, and how frequently they went to visit friends and family, watched television, used their mobile phones, or played computer games.

What did they discover?

The researchers came to the conclusion that physical and mental activity both protected against dementia, irrespective of genetic risk or family medical history of the condition. However, they also stated that going to pubs or social clubs & watching TV appeared to be connected to a higher chance of getting the disease - but did not explain why.

How does daily exercise aid in the prevention of dementia?
According to the study, a number of possible explanations for why physical activity may reduce dementia symptoms risk. Aerobic activity may enhance oxygen to the brain, potentially slowing cognitive decline as we age. Exercise also has antioxidant properties that have the potential to delay brain damage. Physical activity, according to the researchers, can affect other influencing factors for cognitive function such as obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, depression, and cardiovascular fitness.

Modifiable Lifestyle Choices Can Reduce Our Risk of Dementia As We Age
Physical activity on a regular basis has been linked to a 35% lower risk of developing dementia.
Chore-Related Activities (Chores): Linked to a 21% lower risk of dementia.
Social Meets with Friends/Family: Linked to a 15% lower risk of dementia.

Important Takeaways
Being active in daily activities as an elderly person may aid in lowering the risk of Alzheimer disease and dementia.
According to a new study, individuals who exercised on a regular basis had the least risk of dementia. Those who did household work benefited as well.
Visiting family and close friends has also been shown to reduce the risk of dementia.

Jianwei Zhu, Fenfen Ge, Yu Zheng, Yuanyuan Qu, Wenwen Chen, Huazhen Yang, Lei Yang, Fang Fang, Huan Song. "Physical and Mental Activity, Disease Susceptibility, and Risk of Dementia A Prospective Cohort Study Based on UK Biobank." Neurology (First published: July 27, 2022) DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000200701
GBD 2019 Dementia Forecasting Collaborators. "Estimation of the Global Prevalence of Dementia in 2019 and Forecasted Prevalence in 2050: An Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019." The Lancet: Public Health (First published: January 06, 2022) DOI: 10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00249-8
