How robots and AI will decrease the cost of elderly living?

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How robots and AI will decrease the cost of elderly living?

People are living longer lives as a result of massive advances in the health care system and lifestyle over the last century. While modern-day longevity is an important achievement, it does pose issues in terms of caring for a more and more elderly population.

Elder care is a supply and demand-problem. The creation and adoption of senior care robots is one alternative to this demand and supply problem.

The Importance of Robots in Senior Care

Using medical robots to care for the elderly will drastically decrease the current astronomical costs of elderly care. Furthermore, as the ratio of elderly to nonelderly people shifts, it will fill in the gaps in terms of the number of carers available.

How AI and robots will aid in elderly care

To begin, AI-powered digital assistants can aid in providing notifications so that medications are taken correctly, the dangerous device is turned off, and doctor's appointments and other important tasks are met. A smart assistant, when combined with smart home devices, can even monitor the current state of the house and provide regularly updated information such as potential fire hazards, open doors, as well as running taps.

The utilization of a smart assistant also erases the need for caregivers to make visits, lowering the overall cost of care. If smart assistants are too challenging to integrate, installing cameras, speaker systems, and microphones throughout the house allows for real-time surveillance from a nearby care center.

Integrating such new tech also allows those suffering from early-onset dementia to gain faster access to critical services in the event of an emergency. Instead of memorizing telephone numbers, a smart assistant would respond quickly to help instructions and contact multiple numbers to ensure that assistance is provided.

The introduction of robotic devices can then add another level of independence. For example, while robotic pets (such as dogs and cats) have been shown to reduce stress, their robotic nature eliminates the need for people with dementia to take on extra responsibilities (like vaccinations, feeding, and cleaning). Such robots also provide the option of extending digital assistants' reach to the owner's side all the time.

As medical robotics technology advances, the use of robots in households and senior care centers to enhance the quality of life for elders and their carers will grow.

Disclaimer: Healthy Wrinkles does not recommend or offer any medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. The information provided here is only for the awareness of disease or ailment among individuals, caregivers, and the public‌. The advice of doctors, licensed professionals, or therapists who are knowledgeable about your particular situation should always be sought before using the information provided here. It should also not be used in the event of a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you want urgent assistance, contact a qualified medical professional. Additionally, the information represents the author's views and not those of Healthy Wrinkles.
