Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Dr. Geetanjali Walvatkars Insights


Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration - Dr. Geetanjali Walvatkars Insights

Dr. Geetanjali Walvatkar, an Ophthalmic Surgeon at Walvatkar's Eye Care Centre, in a conversation with Healthy Wrinkles, explains What is Age-related macular degeneration(AMD). Age-related macular degeneration, often abbreviated as AMD, is a significant eye condition that affects the macula, a crucial part of the retina responsible for central vision.

Dr. Geetanjali Walvatkar, in her enlightening video, discusses AMD, its impact, and the demographic it predominantly affects. In this blog, we'll delve into the key information Dr. Walvatkar shares in her video. Watch our curated YouTube playlist to learn more about eye care for the elderly.


Demystifying AMD:

Age-related macular degeneration is characterized by the degeneration of the macula, a pinpoint area on the retina, which is essential for our central vision. This sensitive and photosensitive layer of the eye plays a vital role in our ability to see clearly, and any damage to the macula can lead to a significant decline in central vision.

Affected Demographic:

As the name suggests, AMD primarily affects individuals in the elderly age group, typically those who are 55 years or older. The condition often occurs as a result of the natural aging process. However, it's crucial to note that while AMD has a hereditary component, there are various risk factors and considerations to be aware of. Learn more about the common eye problems in elderly population

Risk Factors and Racial Conditions:

Dr. Geetanjali points out that while AMD has a genetic component, certain risk factors and racial conditions can also contribute to its development. These risk factors may include lifestyle choices, such as smoking and poor diet, which can accelerate the progression of AMD.

Day-to-Day Impact:

One of the most significant challenges of AMD is the impact it has on daily life. When the macula is affected, central vision, which is essential for tasks like reading, recognizing faces, and driving, is compromised. Individuals with AMD often struggle with day-to-day activities and may experience difficulty in maintaining their independence. Read more about the role of geriatricians in managing chronic health conditions.


Age-related macular degeneration is a condition that primarily affects the elderly population and can lead to a decline in central vision due to the degeneration of the macula. While AMD has a hereditary component, several risk factors, including lifestyle choices, can influence its development. Dr. Geetanjali Walvatkar's video provides valuable insights into AMD, helping individuals understand the condition and its implications.

Whether you are searching for informative articles, or looking for healthcare providers, Healthy Wrinkles is an excellent resource for all your senior care needs. We also have a great compilation of all the medical expert talks for healthy aging on Healthy Wrinkle YouTube channel.

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