In this modern era are we living longer than our ancestors?

In this modern era are we living longer than our ancestors?

Life expectancy has roughly tripled over ‌human history. Historically, infant deaths were a major driver of life expectancy. Our life chances were changed by advances in sanitation and then by childhood immunization programs. The likelihood of surviving into old age has grown as the number of infant and young child deaths have decreased and as people have learned to reduce the risks associated with those stages of life.

Chronic, degenerative illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and circulatory disease also became more common as people lived longer, but these illnesses also contributed to further increases in longevity because effective treatments for them were developed. Therefore, death is mostly linked with age nowadays.


It is undeniable that younger generations are living longer. In truth, there are a variety of causes behind people living longer than their parents. In our more developed world, there have been innumerable medical advancements. We are also more concerned with our health and fitness, which helps us live longer and keep active. Here are a few of the reasons for this situation:

1. Modern medicine is better.

Several life-extending medications, such as those that lower people's cholesterol, beta-blockers, and help prevent cardiovascular illnesses, have found their way into our medicine cabinets during the past few decades. 

2. Better medical care is available

There is no doubt that doctors are treating patients more successfully than they were fifty years ago, whether we are talking about better screening for potential diseases or clinicians learning from another fifty years of data. It seems sensible that people are living longer when you consider this and the fact that surgeons are also having greater results. The questions then shifted more towards healing from mortality.

3. Technological advances

The medical community is gaining more knowledge through genetic sequencing, clinical trial data, patient records, and clinical trial data. This is due to better computers, better telecommunications, and a faster ability to evaluate data. The medical community will use this information to uncover new disease markers, personalize treatments, and assist physicians in making wiser choices.

4. We are making better health choices.

We are now making much wiser decisions about our health, from exercise to other habits. Smoking rates among adults and high school students have decreased over the previous years.

5. Government programs and food trends

Although ‌many countries are experiencing an obesity crisis, the problem has increased awareness of the processed foods offered by fast food chains and grocery shops. People have been educated on how to eat healthier and exercise more effectively thanks to public campaigns and government legislation. 
