How a sudden weather change can effect your body

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How a sudden weather change can effect your body


Although we may enjoy the cool breeze and the cozy atmosphere, sudden climate change can be hazardous to our health, particularly for the elderly. It is important that you are aware of the most common health issues that may arise in order to deal with the situation. Following are a few diseases and health conditions that can be triggered by a sudden change in climate in India.

Discomfort in the muscles and joints

The abrupt change in activity shocks the muscles and joints that have been hibernating throughout the cozy cold weather, resulting in injuries and discomfort, as well as intense pain. As a result, it is critical for older adults to continue exercising throughout the year in order to keep their muscles and joints in good condition.

Chronic sinus and throat infections

As the climate and weather changes, so does the need to adjust the temperature of the room to its optimal setting. However, when leaving the room, the sudden temperature fluctuation confuses the body, resulting in chronic sinus and throat problems.

Dehumidified air also promotes the growth of pollen, mildew, dust particles, and molds. These also cause chronic sinus and throat issues, so it is critical to change air heating or cooling filters in a timely manner, preferably every six months.

Upper respiratory tract infection

Because the immune system of older adults fails to respond strongly to rapid changes in weather, it is critical to dress up appropriately. 

Cold-air-induced bronchitis and seasonal asthma

Change in the climate of India poses a major threat to those who already have bronchitis or are at risk of developing seasonal asthma. People who are predisposed to such ailments should use inhalers and other medications as required.

Cold and flu 

Whether the seasons change from summer to winter or vice versa, the elderly are more susceptible to colds and fever.

Allergies to certain seasons

Several plants begin to emit pollen into the air, and the air begins to trap dust and dirt, moisture, and allergens that can cause infection and allergies. In such cases, the patient is likely to be afflicted by a respiratory tract problems, a cold, or sinus problems, with symptoms such as breathlessness or difficulty breathing, fever, and so on.

In addition to the above, changes in weather can cause headaches, migraines, aches and pains, skin conditions, and mood swings. It is critical to be with and care for the elderly. Understanding their body's requirements is critical. As a result, keep communicating and in touch with a health care professional to seek medical help as needed.
