How to Win against chronic illnesses Your Mind is the Key Diabetes Asthma Arthritis Cancer etc

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How to Win against chronic illnesses Your Mind is the Key Diabetes Asthma Arthritis Cancer etc


How to Win against chronic illnesses ? Your Mind is the Key -Diabetes, Asthma, Arthritis,Cancer,etc.
Dr. Vijay Bhat, Founder and cancer Coach at Cancer Awakens, in a conversation with Healthy Wrinkles, explains How to Win against chronic illnesses ? Your Mind is the Key -Diabetes, Asthma, Arthritis,Cancer,etc. Chronic illnesses present a unique challenge that requires a distinct approach compared to acute illnesses. In a thought-provoking video, the speaker underscores the importance of recognizing the prolonged nature of chronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, and cancer. This article delves into the key insights shared in the video, emphasizing the power of mindset in navigating the complex journey of chronic illness. Watch our YouTube playlist on care for seniors to know more.

Understanding Chronic Illness as a Life-altering Journey:
Chronic illness is not a mere road bump; it's a lifelong journey that fundamentally alters one's normalcy. The speaker highlights the psychological, emotional, and even physical challenges individuals face when confronted with the reality that life may never return to its pre-illness state. This understanding sets the stage for exploring three distinct mindsets prevalent among those dealing with chronic conditions.

The Three Mindsets: Victim, Survivor, and Thriver:
The speaker categorizes individuals into three mindsets: victim, survivor, and thriver. The victim mindset perceives the illness as an attack, rendering the individual powerless. The survivor mindset involves fighting the illness, reclaiming power, and bringing all available resources to the challenge. However, the thriver mindset transcends both, viewing the illness as a teacher, a companion for life's journey. It emphasizes not just reclaiming power but using the chronic condition as a catalyst for personal growth.

Choosing the Thriver Mindset:
The crux of the message lies in encouraging individuals with chronic illnesses to adopt the thriver mindset. This mindset goes beyond fighting the illness and instead embraces it as an opportunity for personal evolution. It prompts individuals to question whether they see their chronic condition as a hindrance or a catalyst for positive change. While acknowledging the fluctuating nature of these mindsets, the speaker emphasizes the importance of locating one's center of gravity to determine the path forward.

Holistic Healing: Treating the Whole Person:
Chronic illnesses often lead individuals to become excessively focused on the specifics of their condition, losing sight of their identity beyond the ailment. The video advocates for holistic healing, urging individuals to consider the physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual aspects of their lives. This holistic approach, viewing oneself beyond the confines of the illness, becomes crucial in cultivating resilience and fostering a positive mindset.

Empowering Tips for Dealing with Chronic Illness:
Drawing from two decades of experience working with cancer patients, the speaker offers two key tips. Firstly, embracing the idea that chronic illness has come to heal and teach, reframing it as a positive force for personal growth. Secondly, adopting a holistic view of oneself, considering lifestyle choices at various levels, is crucial for overall well-being.

In conclusion, the journey through chronic illness is not solely about medical treatments but equally about mindset and holistic well-being. The thriver mindset stands out as a beacon of empowerment, encouraging individuals to see their chronic condition as a transformative teacher rather than a mere adversary. By understanding and adopting this mindset, individuals can navigate the complexities of chronic illness with resilience, embracing the opportunity for personal growth and positive change.

Whether you are searching for informative articles, or looking for healthcare providers, Healthywrinkles is an excellent resource for all your senior care needs. We also have a great compilation of all the medical expert talks for healthy aging on Healthy Wrinkle YouTube channel.

Disclaimer: Healthy Wrinkles does not recommend or offer any medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. The information provided here is only for the awareness of disease or ailment among individuals, caregivers, and the public‌. The advice of doctors, licensed professionals, or therapists who are knowledgeable about your particular situation should always be sought before using the information provided here. It should also not be used in the event of a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you want urgent assistance, contact a qualified medical professional. Additionally, the information represents the author's views and not those of Healthy Wrinkles.
