Initiatives implemented under Cancer Awakens

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Initiatives implemented under Cancer Awakens


Initiatives implemented under Cancer Awakens
Dr. Vijay Bhat,Founder and cancer Coach at Cancer Awakens, in a conversation with Healthy Wrinkles, explains Initiatives implemented under Cancer Awakens. In a world where the incidence of cancer is steadily increasing, the need for comprehensive support beyond medical treatment becomes crucial. Vijay Bhat, the founder of Cancer Awakens, recognized this gap through personal experience and set out to address the psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects of cancer care. This article explores the transformative initiatives implemented under Cancer Awakens, focusing on the Thriver Program, Sherpa Program, Stress to Swastia Program, and an innovative online diagnostic tool. Watch our YouTube playlist on care for seniors to know more.

Thriver Program - Nurturing Beyond Medical Treatment:
Cancer Awakens offers a groundbreaking 16-week Thriver Program designed to support individuals and families post-medical treatment. This program involves weekly sessions led by trained and certified Sherpas who guide participants through a structured healing and recovery protocol. Unlike traditional support systems, Cancer Awakens embraces online sessions, eliminating geographical barriers and ensuring accessibility for anyone seeking guidance on the non-medical aspects of cancer care.

Sherpa Program - Training Compassionate Guides:
Recognizing the need for compassionate guides in the cancer care journey, Cancer Awakens has established the Sherpa Program. This initiative trains individuals who have first-hand experience with cancer or caregiving, empowering them to become certified Sherpas. By bridging the gap between those seeking support and those willing to offer it, Cancer Awakens ensures a network of understanding companions for patients and their families.

Stress to Swastia Program - A Proactive Approach to Health:
Cancer prevention goes beyond medical measures, and Cancer Awakens addresses this through the Stress to Swastia Program. This initiative operates on the principles of psycho-neuro-immunology, offering stress and resilience programs in corporate settings. By educating individuals about the connection between stress, immunity, and illness, the program equips participants with tools to reduce stress and boost immunity, ultimately lowering the risk of chronic illnesses, including cancer.

Online Diagnostic Tool - Assessing and Addressing Stress:
Cancer Awakens introduces an innovative online diagnostic tool, freely accessible to anyone on the internet. This tool enables individuals to assess their stress levels on a scale of one to ten and distinguish between various types of stress. By providing actionable insights, the online diagnostic tool empowers users to take proactive steps towards managing stress and, consequently, reducing their vulnerability to chronic illnesses.


In summary, Cancer Awakens, spearheaded by Vijay Bhat, is revolutionizing cancer care by addressing the often-overlooked dimensions of psychological, emotional, and spiritual support. The Thriver Program, Sherpa Program, Stress to Swasthya Program, and the online diagnostic tool collectively form a holistic approach to cancer care, emphasizing empowerment, prevention, and compassionate companionship. As the organization continues to make strides in transforming the cancer care landscape, individuals and families facing this challenging journey find solace and guidance through Cancer Awakens' innovative initiatives.

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Disclaimer: Healthy Wrinkles does not recommend or offer any medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. The information provided here is only for the awareness of disease or ailment among individuals, caregivers, and the public‌. The advice of doctors, licensed professionals, or therapists who are knowledgeable about your particular situation should always be sought before using the information provided here. It should also not be used in the event of a medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. If you want urgent assistance, contact a qualified medical professional. Additionally, the information represents the author's views and not those of Healthy Wrinkles.
